A Lifetime of Emotions

Years from now we’ll look back

Once again telling

The story of our love

Smiling at all the times

I made you cry

With my surprise gifts

And with all the little things

You never thought I’d notice you loved

We’ll tell them that arguments

Were few

Even if one came up

It was handled with love

We never went to bed angry

One of our biggest rules

Throughout the day

We always checked in

With a sweet little text

All the adventures we took together

Never knowing what was next

You’ll blush as usual

When I say

That I still fall in love

Every day

To this day

I’ll smile when

You tell them how I saved you

Let you be free

To be


We’ll kiss

Then I’ll caress your face

And see

The same person I’ve loved

For this lifetime

Don’t Pass It By

Don’t let a lifetime

End up passing you by

And possibly miss out

On the greatest thing

That ever walked

Into your world

Opportunities come

Opportunities go

When you see one

Take it

Hold on to it

Never let it leave

What ifs

Cloud judgement

Don’t let them build up

Get out there

And go after

The things you want